Intervista di tele-Sassari a Rossella Faa

In Corde. Rossella Faa

Rossella Faa - in corde


Custus funt is fuedhus de is cantzonis de Arrosella Faa de su Cd rom "In Corde".
Sa bellesa de sa mùsiga, de is fuedhus e de sa boxi de "Arrubiedha" faint de custu Cd rom unu bobboi de no perdi e de dhu spatinai a chini tenit o depit tenni pipius po sighiri a sa inculturatzioni a sa boxi, sa musìga sa curtura nosta.



In Corde rossella faa - voce paolo alfonsi - chitarre sandro fontoni - contrabbasso giancarlo murranca - percussioni victor csanyi - violino lucio casti - violino luca zunino - viola vladimiro atzeni - violoncello


Archivio Disterraus sardus: sabato 2 dicembre 2007 di Francu de Fabiis



Nexi po Nexi

Nexi po Nexi

Nexi po nexi, no tèngiu nexi ma
a mei custu sentidu no mi dexit
est po mori mia, gei dhu sciu, mi sigu a incrupai
e totus is sentidus, immoi innia, immoi innoi,
si furriant de conca in bàsciu
nareimia ita potzu fai?
Mi dexit a cantai.

At essi nexi, at essi crupa? Boh!
Po no intendi nexi dhu-i est sa paxi
paxi no nd’intendu chi sigu a m’incrupai
po totus is cosas chi no apu a fai,
chi no dhas fatzu, parit bellu de beru,
bolit nai ca no mi praxit a dhu fai
mi dexit a cantai.

Nexi po nexi, no tèngiu nexi ma
a mei custu sentidu no mi dexit
sigu a nai ca sa crupa no est sa mia
ma est totu un’iscusa po fai una poesia
m’ant imparau a intendi nexi
deu no dhu bollu prus fai
mi dexit a cantai.

Fault by fault, Idon’t have such feelings
and I don’t like such feelings
it’s my fault, I know , if go on blaming myself
so that every feeling, anywhere,
turns upsside-down
tell me, what should I do
I love sining.

What kind os fault is this?
peace is there to prevent you from feeling guilty
but I can’t feel peace, because I go on blaming myself
for evering I should do and I don’t
but if don’t, you won’t believe it,
that means that i don’t like it
I love sining.

Fault by fault, I don’t have such feelings
and I don’t like such feelings
I go on sayng it’s not my fault
but I guess that’s just an excuse to write a poem
they taught me to live feeling guitly
but I won’t any furter
I love sining.

Mi cheria masedu  - Rossella Faa – Pàulu Pillonca

Ube nara chi rùana sos frastimos de deus
incue si che cùana sos de su paru meu.

Naschidos pro distruere lèpore e crabitos
cando, in su menzus suere, lo reduimos fritos.

Falu che unu lampu de una nue manna
e so una cundanna chene perunu iampu.

Ma semper unu meledu a s’intrànnia sidida
deu mi cheria masedu in d-un’àtera vida.

There, where they sai god’s curses fall
there those of my race hide.

Born to kill hares and kids
while they’re suking wee kill them.

I come down like lightnig from the biggest cloud
and I’m a sentence without leave of appeal.

But I alwais have a desire in my thirsty womb:
I’d like to be tamer in a new life.

Sorri mia  - Rossella Faa

Deu bolia a mi nci furriai a pitzus de s’enna de crésia
chene sa timoria de su frastimu
ca, in sa vida mia, deu su ludu no dhu timu,
dhu iat essi sempri un omini cun d-una frésia po mei.

No timas su dabori chi bessit cuncun’ota
castiendi unu pisci biu, serrau aintru de un’ampudha
e no timas nemancu ca no t’abarrit nudha
de s’arrastu de is peis tuus in sa terra.

Sorri mia a innui ti nci andas?
Sa vida no est feti po sumpurtai
e tui cica de aguantai
is bisus chi faint artziai su coru e no ti strocint mai.

Su sentidu de s’amori cuau aintru de unu strexu de fenu
axedat che fromentu innanti de coi
chi dhu lassas axedai, no s’assebiat s’arrexoni
e prangis che pilloi pigau a lobu.

Sorri mia no timas a t’amostai
mancai no ti bessit a dhu fai
no sighis a ti cuai
e lassa ca in is pabas tuas fieramenti sa conca si artzit.

Sorri mia poita est chi prangis?
No est cosa chi fait bragùngia a dhu fai
est mabu feti a dhu serrai
vlassendi su pedrumentu bei cuau aintru de s’ànima.

I’d like to climb over the top of the curch door
without fearing any anathema
I’m not afraid of besmirching myself
there’ll alwais be a man who’ll give me a fresia

Don’t be afraid of the sorrow you feel
looking at a fish kep into a glass ball
and don’t be afraid that nothing of you could last
after your passing on this earth.

My dear sister, whereare yuoo going?
Life’s not only sufference and forebearence
try to cacth your dreams
they’ll relieve your soul and won’t ever decive you.

Love, if hiddem, rise like dough
if you let rise you won’t soothe reason
and you’ll cry like a bird kept in a cage.

My dear sister, don’t be afraid to show yourself
even though you think it’s difficult
don’t go on hiding yourself
and let your head raise proudly over your shoulder

My dear sister, why are you crying?
you don’t need to feel ashmed
it’s worse if you close yourself
leaving lost things hidden in your soul.

Oro oro
sa pipia est oro,
sa pipia est oro po sa mamma
aintru de is bratzus de sa mamma
fai sa ninna nanna, ninna nanna.

sa pipia dromit
fragu de lati e coritedhu de arrosa
po sa mamma sa pipia
est s’isposa.
Gold gold
the baby’s gold
the baby’s gold for her mummy
In the arms of her mummy
she goes to bye-bye.
She’s sleeping
the baby’s sleeping
smell of milk and a little bodice of rose
the baby’s bride
for her mummy

Masudhas  - Rossella Faa

Deus ti salvet Maria
prena de gràtzia
su sennori est cun teu,
benaita ses tue aintru de totu is féminas
benaitu est su frutu de s’intrànnias tuas Gesus.
Santa Maria
mamma de deus
prega po nos àteros pecadoris
immoi e in s’ora de sa morti nosta.
Amen Gesus.

Giogendi cun is bicus

Giogendi cun is bicus

Arrogu fuedhau sceti

Pibiredhu Pibiredhu
e ndi capu e ndi capedhu
e ndi capu e ndi capotu
e si fadhu torru a otu
e si fadhu torru a noi
punta de sprama de frucoi
punta de sprama de fruchita
e si fadhu torramidha.

Anninnia anninnia  - Rossella Faa - Pàulu Alfonsi

Anninnia anninnia,
anninnia anninnia…ehi…ehi…ehi…
anninnia anninnia
anninnia anninnia…ehi…ehi…ehi…

Santu Sisìnniu de Sinnai
solu solu a mi crocai
solu solu a mi dromiri
e nisciunu no at a timiri
in custa noti chi est notesta
chi at a benniri a mi imbussai?
Scuru scuru dh’ant a nai
scuru scuru che in buca
oghixedhus che stupa
manus che folla de figu
peixedhus de ortigu.
Oghixedhus che stupa
manus che folla de figu
peixedhus de ortigu.

Anninnia anninnia,
anninnia anninnia…ehi…ehi…ehi…

Anninnia anninnia,
anninnia anninnia…hei...hei…hei…

Holy Sisìnniu from Sinnai
I’m going to bed all alone
I’m going to sleep all alone
I don’t need to be scared of ayone
in this stormy night, tonigth
whoever could come to turn up my blanket?

He’s said to be dark
dark like into the mouth
his little eyes like tow
his hands like fig-tree leaves
his little feet like cork.
his little eyes like tow
his hands like fig-tree leaves
his little feet like cork.

Anninnia anninnia,
anninnia anninnia…hei…hei…hei…

Cicaia cumpangia  - Rossella Faa

Aintru de domu de mamma mia
dhu-i fiat una tenda arrùbia e deu creia
ca aintru de cudha tenda dhu-i biviat
una duena stràngia e dha timia.

Sa tenda fiat apicada in s’enna chi potat a sa scaba
e mi fadiat timoria
e candu depia andai a sus
deu no nci arrannescia.

Obia artziai a soba ma deu no nci arrennescia
e sempri cicaia cumpangia
e sempri cicaia cumpangia
e sempri cicaia cumpangia cicaia cumpangia.

Ma m’ant nau ca una burra arrùbia posta in terra
acuat is peis de sa fortuna
arrùbiu est su cabori de sa lua
candu ndi pesat is peis de sa terra.

Aintru de domu de mamma mia…

There was an old red curtain at my mother’s
and i thought
that behind that red curtain
there was an evil witch and i was scared of her.

The curtain hang over the stairs door and I was scared of it
and when I had to go upstairs
I couldn’t manage to do it
I wanted to go up stairs alone

But I couldn’t really manage to do it
and I always looked for someone to come along with me
and I always looked for someone to come along with me
and I always looked for someone to come along with me.

But someone told me that carpet no the floor
seizes good luck by the feet
red is the colour of the moon when rises,
taking off its feet from the ground.

Oro Oro  - Rossella Faa

Sorri mia

Sorri mia - Rossella Faa

Deu bolia a mi nci furriai a pitzus de s’enna de crésia
chene sa timoria de su frastimu
ca, in sa vida mia, deu su ludu no dhu timu,
dhu iat essi sempri un omini cun d-una frésia po mei.

No timas su dabori chi bessit cuncun’ota
castiendi unu pisci biu, serrau aintru de un’ampudha
e no timas nemancu ca no t’abarrit nudha
de s’arrastu de is peis tuus in sa terra.

Sorri mia a innui ti nci andas?
Sa vida no est feti po sumpurtai
e tui cica de aguantai
is bisus chi faint artziai su coru e no ti strocint mai.

Su sentidu de s’amori cuau aintru de unu strexu de fenu
axedat che fromentu innanti de coi
chi dhu lassas axedai, no s’assebiat s’arrexoni
e prangis che pilloi pigau a lobu.

Sorri mia no timas a t’amostai
mancai no ti bessit a dhu fai
no sighis a ti cuai
e lassa ca in is pabas tuas fieramenti sa conca si artzit.

Sorri mia poita est chi prangis?
No est cosa chi fait bragùngia a dhu fai
est mabu feti a dhu serrai
vlassendi su pedrumentu bei cuau aintru de s’ànima.

I’d like to climb over the top of the curch door
without fearing any anathema
I’m not afraid of besmirching myself
there’ll alwais be a man who’ll give me a fresia

Don’t be afraid of the sorrow you feel
looking at a fish kep into a glass ball
and don’t be afraid that nothing of you could last
after your passing on this earth.

My dear sister, whereare yuoo going?
Life’s not only sufference and forebearence
try to cacth your dreams
they’ll relieve your soul and won’t ever decive you.

Love, if hiddem, rise like dough
if you let rise you won’t soothe reason
and you’ll cry like a bird kept in a cage.

My dear sister, don’t be afraid to show yourself
even though you think it’s difficult
don’t go on hiding yourself
and let your head raise proudly over your shoulder

My dear sister, why are you crying?
you don’t need to feel ashmed
it’s worse if you close yourself
leaving lost things hidden in your soul.